Internet of Things (IoT) - Growing Security Concerns


Internet of Things (IoT) - Growing Security Concerns

Enterprise security doesn't cover every Thing.

Recently 60 Minutes addressed the new score of security vulnerabilities associated with the Internet of Things (IoT)—a technology revolution that brings connectivity to life and business beyond computers. Specifically, these "things" are devices like pacemakers and watches, pedometers and animal transponder tags, in-engine monitoring devices for cars, smart thermostats and washing machines.

In consumer and business markets, the reach of the internet is expanding. And the growing danger of new threats has already attracted some serious attention. The vast new vulnerabilities surfacing through IoT are now the focus of a brand new Congressional Caucus, as well as a new report from the Federal Trade Commission that outlines the dire importance of addressing security in an IoT architecture.

It's easy to see the concern. Possible repercussions of an insecure or under-monitored architecture range from corporate espionage to errors from remote locations causing malfunctions in a life-critical medical devices. A new workplace for data means new avenues of compromise, greater risk of accident and attack.

Too late?

Like every other new avenue of connectivity, there is that honeymoon period before hackers start putting serious effort into taking advantage. Now, it's clear, the honeymoon is over.

The first piece of advice from the FTC is to make sure to build a developed security strategy into your IoT architecture "at the outset, rather than as an afterthought." Great advice, but it only helps if you don't yet rely on any IoT devices.

For a look at best practices for IoT security, see our summary here.