
Empowered, ground-level asset management.

You have lots of what we think of as “logical” asset management tools—they’ll give you a state-of-the-union picture of your software version and patches. And good thing too. But most don’t have any tools to tell you exactly what you have, where is it, who is using it and why it’s being used.

Novacoast Barcode enables everyone from the HQ to the field to view and update the here-and-now data of assets in your network—scan, track and update every asset in your organization using our intuitive interface on almost any device. Laptops, tablets, mobile phones, anything.

Finally, you can:

  • Scan New Assets
  • Update Existing Assets
  • View Assets In Use
  • Schedule Deployments
  • Generate Reports
  • Satisfy Compliance
  • Use Inexpensive Hardware
Barcode for Laptop, Mobile and Tablet

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Download: Barcode Checklist

Review the powerful features that put asset management in the palm of your hand.
